An awesome break-up anthem!
Christmas is a month away so I thought I would share some gift ideas that are under $10. These would be great for your friends. I did a manicure/pedicure jar, a stationary jar and the classic lolly/chocolate jars. I'm sure you could think of a lot more. I bought the jars at Big W - they were six for $6. Manicure/pedicure jar - Total cost $8 Jar - $1 from Big W Nail polish - $1 each from K-Mart (I bought a pack of eight for $8) Hand cream and nail file and buff set - $4 on sale from Priceline Nail polish remover wipes - $1 from K-Mart Stationery jar - Total cost $9 Jar - $1 from Big W Sticky notes - $2 from K-Mart Highlighters - $2 from K-Mart Coloured pens - $2 from K-Mart Chocolate or lolly jar
The price varies depending on your candy or chocolate of choice. This would look great with:
Some other suggestions for gifts in a jar:
I've seen the "Look up" advertisements on a couple of buses recently so I decided to find out what it was all about. The Look Up movement is based on research by neuroscientist, Dr Fiona Kerr. We spend so much of our lives looking down that we miss out on really living. The Look Up campaign encourages us to put down our phones and look up, to engage with the environment and those around us. According to their website, "scientists have discovered looking up is good for our brains, our bodies, our relationships, and our shared experience of the world." You can find out more at I took the photo above on my morning walk today. Before you reach for your phone, look up!
There's a reason I didn't call this fun facts about your period - it's not much fun. Hormones released during Your period can give you Diarrhoea, cramping, bowel pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches and migraines. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can be helpful. If you prefer a more natural approach, make sure you include probiotics and fibre in your diet - lots of wholegrain, fruit and vegetables. Also limit salt, dairy, sugar, spicy foods, and caffeine. Regular exercise can be helpful too. If you any of these symptoms are seriously impacting your life, see you doctor.
Source: We are often our own harshest critic. Practise some self love my repeating some affirmations each day. Here are some you can download and print. There is also a blank set so you can write your own.
December 2024