While we're on the topic of broken hearts, check out this song by Alana Henderson. Wax and Wane is about a relationship breakup and how it just happens sometimes and it's no one's fault - you might as well blame the cycle of the moon.
Not everyone gets along with their parents and even those that do have times when they don't see eye to eye. Remember that your parents might understand what you're going through more than you realise - they were teenagers too once (shocking, I know). Perhaps they don't want you to make the same mistakes that they did. Being a teenager can be tough. Being a parent can be tough as well. Here are some tips for getting along better with your parents:
1. Be respectful; 2. Listen to what they say and wait your turn to speak; 3. Be careful of the tone that you use, talk quietly and calmly; 4. Pick your moment to bring up a tricky subject of conversation; 5. Be willing to compromise and negotiate; 6. Look at the person who is speaking; and 7. Don't shoot daggers at them with your eyes. Often we use food as a reward or for comfort when we're stressed. While it makes you feel good in the short term, all that chocolate, cake, chips and other junk food can have a negative effect on your waistband. Not to mention the guilt that follows after you've just polished off that packet of Tim Tams.
Here are some non-food ways to reward yourself when you've stuck to your goals or to boost your mood when you feel down: * watch an episode of your favourite TV show or a good movie * read a good book * go to the beach * pamper yourself with a manicure or pedicure * soak in the bath (music and candles optional) * turn the music up and dance like no one's watching * go shopping and buy yourself a little treat - a magazine, costume jewellery, fun socks etc. * go for a bike ride * grab a friend and go to the movies. Popsugar recently published an article about the benefits of getting rid of junk. In an age of materialism and consumerism it's important not to let our lives and our homes get too cluttered. Here is a summary:
1. Clutter can inhibit your ability to think clearly; 2. Decluttering requires physical activity; 3. It reduces stress; 4. It increases productivity; 5. It motivates you to get organised in other areas of your life; 6. It can help your allergies; 7. Getting rid of things is therapeutic; and 8. It makes you happier. You can read the full article here. This is a couple of years old but the message is still the same. It's from Canada and they don't even have a jolly big hole in the ozone layer over there. Melanoma is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in young people in Australia. Check out Sunsmart.com.au for more information.
Exams are an unpleasant part of life and can be very stressful. So how do you stay sane and do your best? Reachout.com have some tips including:
Manage your stress - plan your revision and break it down into manageable chunks; Take the pressure off - if you're putting too much pressure on yourself try to remember that failure isn't fatal and if others are putting too much pressure on you (e.g. parents) try talking to them; Do it together - study with a friends who take the same subjects; Go easy on the substances - caffeine, red bull, (avoid drugs and alcohol altogether); Get enough sleep, eat good food and keep moving; and Have a back-up plan - if you don't get the grades you need have a plan B. |
December 2024